book reviews, How Seeds Grow, Reviews

How a Seed Grows Review

A seed is a plant that has not started to grow. All plants were seeds before they started to grow and some seeds grow faster than others. Some plants, like trees, take years to grow but other plants like some beans can take only a few days. An oak tree for example, grows very slowly.… Continue reading How a Seed Grows Review

book reviews, Reviews

Gracie and Delilah Book Review

The name of the book is: Gracie and Delilah. I liked this book. Gracie and Delilah are the constant companions of Her Majesty. They are beautiful dogs. Life for Gracie and Delilah was filled with joy and love. One day, Her Majesty get sick and dies. She loved them and selected the perfect new home… Continue reading Gracie and Delilah Book Review

All in One Piece, Reviews

All in One Piece Book Review

What I like about this book are the drawings and pictures that it has. It does not have a lot of content because it’s a short book but it talks abou family, particularly the lovely family that Mr. and Mrs. large have. It also emphasizes the importance of having some time for the parents to… Continue reading All in One Piece Book Review